Lately, I've been dreaming about a vacation more then ever. Maybe the rainy Belgium weather has something to do with it... Searching for travel locations and inspiration, I stumbled upon this amazing place in the Carribbean, located in St Lucia. The place called Jade Mountain and from every angle and every terrace view it seems like a striking contemporary celebration of St Lucia's stunning scenic beauty.  Architect and owner Nick Troubetzkoy has expanded upon his philosophy of building in harmony with Caribbean nature with this property: individual bridges leading to exceptional infinity pool sanctuaries and rugged stoned-faced columns reaching towards the sky...
Each residence only has three walls with the fourth left open, integrating the accommodation with the dramatic panorama and giving you the opportunity to have the exhilarating experience of sleeping in the open air while viewing St. Lucia’s majestic twin peaks, Gros Piton and Petit Piton. And what's even better: children under 16 are not allowed at the hotel, so no noise problems...

*Enjoy the pictures and tell me what you think*


Jade Mountain

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